Stämmer in rätt bra
Djupt jag vet, men det stämmer rätt bra.
Ingram Hill - Maybe it's me
"...I thought about the good times
And I wondered what went wrong
'Cause you had no faith in me?
Lack of inspiration?..."
"...There's life that surrounds me, but still I cannot see
I just can't make my heart fall for beauty endlessly
I don't know what I'm feeling
It's not right, it can't be
I try to find someone to blame..."
"...Maybe you were right to find your way out of my life
You found comfort elsewhere, while I held on way too tight
I find no reason why I can't be satisfied
Perhaps 'cause I can't have You..."
Postat av: Liza
Det är bra att ha djupa tankar. Ps. vem är mumsbiten till vänster på bilden ;) ? hahah! Pussis!